
Network monitoring and security is always a great problem, and the importance of such activity is growing with the augmentation of the use of Internet.

There is a lot of existing tools to monitor and analyse network, which are very powerful.

But in all that collection of tools, usually, either it need to run continuously, either ones should launch it manually. It imply that network management and security become something very costly, either in material resources, or in humane resources (time). Indeed, providing a good security imply doing detail analysis to be able to get all needed informations all the time.

The aim of this project is to fill this lack by providing a framework who will allow the user to automatise the actions of launching and stopping tools and scripts on a network. We want to provide an « an intelligent, automatic, real-time reactive, sophisticated layered ('lazy', one may say) network analysis ». Automatic because one of the principal aim is to avoid the administrators to have to manually launch tools or scripts in case of problems. Real-time because we will react immediately. Intelligent because we will allow the user to define rules and security policy to define what to do and when to do it. And layered network analysis because we will start with hight level (aggregated) network informations to go to details informations.